Dennis Fujimoto of the Garden Island Newspaper submitted the following article for publication on December 27, 2010
NAWILIWILI — Stevan Yee said he expected about two dozen bicyclists for Sunday’s ride, the day after Christmas.
Yee served as the lead rider for the informal group of bicyclists that included at least two visitors for a ride in and around Lihu‘e.

“Our main goal is to get bicyclists used to riding on the road, and to get motorists aware of bicyclists on the road,” Yee said.
Thomas Noyes, riding sweeper for the group that swelled beyond the two dozen mark, said the idea came during the Malama Pono Century Ride earlier this year.
Since then, he took the lead to organize an October ride that went from Lihi Park in Kapa‘a to Kilauea and back. That event was labeled the Fresh Air Seaside ride and featured a staggered start with the longest distance riders leaving as early as 7:30 a.m.
Other riders staggered start with the shortest distance riders leaving last, but everyone making it back to the Lihi Park at about the same time, Noyes said: “We had about 40 riders for that event. We followed that with a Turkey Trot that drew more than a hundred people, some being runners,” he said. “But this event, Steven Yee took the lead to organize.”

Yee, who rode a tandem bike for this event, said following the Lihu‘e ride which featured members of the recently-organized Philippines Islands Hawai‘i Islands riders joining the group, another ride is being planned for the Po‘ipu area headed by Sherman and Heatherbell Fong.
“I’ve been riding here by myself and getting into trouble,” said Lyndee Richmond, a visitor from Calif. “When I found out about this ride, I thought I would join them since I shipped my bicycle here from California.”
Yee said he loaned one of his bikes to Adrian Fernandez, another Californian from the Bay Area, who found out about the ride and wanted to participate.
The Sunday ride featured about 25 miles covering different segments leading out of the Kaua‘i Lagoons parking lot. First stop was the comfort station near the Kaua‘i Marriott guard shed by Lihu‘e Airport where the group picked up the PIHI riders.

From there, it was a loop to the Ahukini Pier and then making its way down Nawiliwili, up through the Menehune Fishpond and out to Kipu before returning to the Kaua‘i Lagoons parking lot.
“We were going to loop through more areas, but with the rains, Saturday night, I think this is a good start,” Yee said.
Click here for details on the Po‘ipu ride on Jan. 23. Sherman Fong said that event will also have a staggered start depending on riders.
Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or
