Progress as of February 11, 2007 For safety reasons, Kauai Path does not endorse use of the Kapaa to Kealia Path (currently a construction site, not yet a part of the County's park system) until the facility is completed and opened for the public's enjoyment and general use.
Thanks to Committee Member Richard Sugiyama for the digital photos and descriptions!

The parking lot at the lookout has been paved. There is an accessible zig-zag concrete walk leading down from there to the path below. Entry and exit lanes are paved to the highway too, but there are no paint stripings to mark the lanes or the parking stalls.

More concrete has been poured. This has continued from the portion below the lookout (seen off in the distance) further south to...

...Just makai of the Friendship House (almost to the Kawaihau Road intersection). Currently a shopping cart marks the end of the concrete pour.

New grading has been done from the Friendship House area to the County swimming pool behind Otsuka's Store.